*Korponay C and *Koenigs M. (in press) Gray matter correlates of impulsivity in psychopathy and in the general population differ by kind, not by degree: A comparison of systematic reviews. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience
*Hiser JS, *Schneider BS, and *Koenigs M. (in press) Uncertainty potentiates neural and cardiac responses to visual stimuli in anxiety disorders. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.
*Weaver SS, *Dargis M, Kiehl KA, and *Koenigs M. (in press) Criminal histories and rates of recidivism among two subtypes of psychopathic individuals. Criminal Justice and Behavior.
*Deming P, *Dargis M, Haas BW, Brook M, Decety J, Harenski C, Kiehl KA, *Koenigs M, & Kosson DS. (2020). Psychopathy is associated with fear-specific reductions in neural activity during affective perspective-taking. NeuroImage, 223, 117342. pdf
*Deming P & *Koenigs M. (2020) Functional neural correlates of psychopathy: a meta-analysis of MRI data. Translational Psychiatry, 10, 1-8. pdf
*Weaver SS, Kroska EB, Ross MC, Sartin-Tarm A, Sellnow KA, Schaumberg K, Kiehl KA, *Koenigs M, & Cisler J. (2020) Sacrificing Reward to Avoid Threat: Characterizing PTSD in the Context of a Trauma-Related Approach-Avoidance Conflict Task. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 129, 457. pdf
Sajous-Turner A, Anderson NE, Widdows M, Nyalakanti P, Harenski KA, Harenski CL, *Koenigs M, Decety J, & Kiehl KA. (2020) Aberrant brain gray matter in murderers. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 1-12. pdf
Pardini M, Grafman J, Raymont V, Amore M, Serafini G, *Koenigs M, & Krueger F. (2020) Left rostrolateral prefrontal cortex lesions reduce suicidal ideation in penetrating traumatic brain injury. CNS Spectrums, 25, 24-31. pdf
Espinoza F, Anderson NE, Vergara VM, Harenski CL, Decety J, Rachakonda S, Damaraju E, *Koenigs M, Kosson D, Harenski KA, Calhoun VD, & Kiehl KA. (2019) Resting-state fMRI dynamic functional network connectivity and associations with psychopathy traits. NeuroImage: Clinical, 24, 101970. pdf
Anderson NE, Harenski KA, Harenski CL, *Koenigs M, Decety J, Calhoun VD, & Kiehl KA. (2019) Machine learning of brain gray matter differentiates sex in a large forensic sample. Human Brain Mapping, 40, 1496-1506. pdf
*Dargis M, Caldwell M, Sitney M, Edwards B, Caldwell B, Harenski CL, Anderson NE, Van Rybroek G, *Koenigs M, & Kiehl KA. (2019) Development of an expert-rate assessment of trauma history in a high-risk youth forensic sample. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 11, 73-721. pdf
*Hiser JS & *Koenigs M. (2018) The multifaceted role of ventromedial prefrontal cortex in emotion, decision-making, social cognition, and psychopathology. Biological Psychiatry, 83, 638-647. pdf
*Dargis M & *Koenigs M. (2018) Personality traits differentiate subgroups of criminal offenders with distinct cognitive, affective, and behavioral profiles. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 45, 984-1007. pdf
Simmonite M, Harenski C, Kiehl KA, *Koenigs M, & Kosson DS. (2018) Testing the Left Hemisphere Activation hypothesis in psychopathic offenders using the Stroop task. Personality and Individual Differences, 135, 182-187. pdf
*Dargis M, *Wolf RC, & *Koenigs, M. (2018) Psychopathic traits are associated with reduced fixations to the eye region of fearful faces. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 127, 43-50. pdf
Kiehl KA, Anderson NE, Aharoni E, Maurer JM, Harenski KA, Rao V, Claus ED, Harenski C, *Koenigs M, Decety J, Kosson D, Wager T, Calhoun VD, & Steele VR. (2018) Age of gray matters: Neuroprediction of recidivism. Neuroimage: Clinical, 19, 813-823. pdf
Miskovich TA, Anderson NE, Harenski CL, Harenski KA, Baskin-Sommers AR, Larson CL, Newman JP, Hanson JL, Stout DM, *Koenigs M, Shollenbarger SG, Lisdahl KM, Decety J, Kosson DS, Kiehl KA. (2018) Abnormal cortical gyrification in criminal psychopathy. NeuroImage: Clinical, 19, 876-882. pdf
Crooks D, Anderson NE, Widdows M, Petseva N, *Koenigs M, Pluto C, & Kiehl KA. (2018) The relationship between cavum septum pellucidum and psychopathic traits in a large forensic sample. Neuropsychologia, 112, 95-104. pdf
*Dargis M & *Koenigs M. (2018) Two subtypes of psychopathic criminals differ in negative affect and history of childhood abuse. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 10, 444-451. pdf
*Deming P, *Philippi CL, *Wolf RC, *Dargis M, Kiehl KA, & *Koenigs, M. (2018) Psychopathic traits linked to alterations in neural activity during personality judgments of self and others. Neuroimage: Clinical, 18, 575-581. pdf
Espinoza F, Vergara V, Reyes D, Anderson N, Harenski CL, Decety J, Rachakonda S, Damaraju E, Rashid B, Miller R, *Koenigs M, Kosson D, Harenski KA, Kiehl KA, & Calhoun VD. (2018). Aberrant functional network connectivity in psychopathy from a large (N=985) forensic sample. Human Brain Mapping, 39, 2624-2634. pdf
Harenski CL, Calhoun VD, Bustillo JR, Haas BW, Decety J, Harenski KA, Caldwell MF, Van Rybroek GJ, *Koenigs M, Thornton DM, & Kiehl KA. (2018). Functional connectivity during affective mentalizing in criminal offenders with psychotic disorders: Associations with clinical symptoms. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 271, 91-99. pdf
*Schneider B & *Koenigs M. (2017). Human lesion studies of ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Neuropsychologia, 107, 84-93. pdf
*Korponay C, *Pujara, MS, *Deming P, *Philippi CL, Decety J, Kosson, DS, Kiehl, KA, & *Koenigs M. (2017) Impulsive-antisocial psychopathic traits linked to increased volume and functional connectivity within prefrontal cortex. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12, 169-1178. pdf
*Korponay C, Kosson DS, Decety J, Kiehl KA, & *Koenigs M. (2017) Brain volume correlates with duration of abstinence from substance abuse in a region-specific and substance-specific manner. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2, 626-635. pdf
Anderson NE, Steele VR, Maurer JM, Rao V, *Koenigs MR, Decety J, Kosson DS, Calhoun VD, & Kiehl KA. (2017) Differentiating emotional processing and attention in psychopathy with functional neuroimaging. Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 17, 491-515. pdf
Harenski CL, Brook M, Kosson DS, Bustillo, JR, Harenski KA, Caldwell MF, Van Rybroek GJ, *Koenigs M, Decety J, Thornton DM, Calhoun VD, & Kiehl KA. (2017) Socio-neuro risk factors for suicidal behavior in criminal offenders with psychotic disorders. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 12, 70-80. pdf
*Dargis M. & *Koenigs M. (2017) Witnessing domestic violence during childhood is associated with psychopathic traits in adult male criminal offenders. Law and Human Behavior, 41, 173-179. pdf
*Korponay C, *Pujara MS, *Deming P, *Philippi C, Decety J, Kosson DS, Kiehl KA, & *Koenigs M. (2017) Impulsive-antisocial dimension of psychopathy linked to enlargement and abnormal functional connectivity of the striatum. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2:149-157. pdf
*Dargis M, *Wolf RC, & *Koenigs M. (2017) Reversal learning deficits in criminal offenders: Effects of psychopathy and childhood maltreatment history. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 39, 189-197. pdf
Fede SJ, Harenski CL, Schaich Borg J, Sinnott-Armstrong W, Rao V, Caldwell BM, Nyalakanti PK, *Koenigs M, Decety J, Calhoun VD, & Kiehl KA. (2016) Abnormal fronto-limbic engagement in incarcerated stimulant users during moral processing. Psychopharmacology, 233, 3077-3087. pdf
Fede SJ, Schaich Borg J, Nyalakanti PK, Cope LM, Harenski CL, Sinnott-Armstrong W, *Koenigs M, Calhoun VD, & Kiehl KA. (2016) Distinct neuronal activation patterns of positive and negative moral processing in psychopathy. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience. pdf
Herbort MC, Soch J, Wustenberg T, Krauel K, *Pujara MS, *Koenigs M, Gallinat J, Walter H, Roepke S, & Schott BH. (2016) A negative relationship between ventral striatal loss anticipation response and impulsivity in Borderline Personality Disorder. Neuroimage: Clinical, 12, 724-736. pdf
*Wolf RC, *Pujara, MS, Baskaya MK, & *Koenigs M. (2016) Emotion recognition deficits associated with ventromedial prefrontal cortex lesions are improved by gaze manipulation. Cortex, 82, 255-262. pdf
*Pujara MS, *Philippi CL, *Motzkin JC, Baskaya MK, & *Koenigs M. (2016) Ventromedial prefrontal cortex damage is associated with decreased ventral striatum volume and response to reward. Journal of Neuroscience, 36, 5047-5054. pdf
*Dargis M, Newman JP, & *Koenigs M. (2016) Clarifying the link between childhood abuse history and psychopathic traits in adult criminal offenders. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 7, 221-228. pdf
*Pujara MS, *Wolf RC, Baskaya MK, & *Koenigs M. (2015) Ventromedial prefrontal cortex damage alters relative risk tolerance for prospective gains and losses. Neuropsychologia, 79, 70-75. pdf
*Philippi C, *Motzkin JC, *Pujara M, & *Koenigs M. (2015) Subclinical depression severity is associated with distinct patterns of functional connectivity for subregions of anterior cingulate cortex. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 71, 103-111. pdf
Caldwell BM, Harenski C, Harenski K, Fede S, *Koenigs M, Kiehl K, & Steele V. (2015) Abnormal frontostriatal activity in recently abstinent cocaine users during implicit moral processing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9. pdf
*Wolf RC, *Pujara MS, *Motzkin JC, Newman JP, Kiehl K, Decety J, Kosson DS, & *Koenigs M. (2015) Interpersonal traits of psychopathy linked to reduced integrity of the uncinate fasciculus. Human Brain Mapping, 36, 4202-4209. pdf
*Philippi CL, *Pujara M, *Motzkin JC, Newman J, Kiehl KA, & *Koenigs M. (2015) Altered resting-state functional connectivity in cortical networks in psychopathy. Journal of Neuroscience, 35, 6068-6078. pdf
*Wolf RC & *Koenigs M. (2015) Brain imaging research on violence and aggression: Pitfalls and possibilities for criminal justice. Science in the Courtroom, 1. pdf
Caldwell JZK, Armstrong JM, Hanson JL, Sutterer MJ, Stodola DE, *Koenigs M, Kalin NH, Essex MJ, & Davidson RJ. (2015) Preschool externalizing behavior predicts gender-specific variation in adolescent neural structure. PLOS ONE, 10, e0117453. pdf
*Motzkin JC, *Philippi CL, Oler J, Kalin N, Baskaya M, & *Koenigs M. (2015) Ventromedial prefrontal cortex damage alters resting blood flow to the bed nucleus of stria terminalis. Cortex, 64, 281-288. pdf
*Motzkin JC, *Philippi CL, *Wolf RC, Baskaya MK, & *Koenigs M. (2015) Ventromedial prefrontal cortex is critical for the regulation of amygdala activity in humans. Biological Psychiatry, 77, 276-284. pdf
*Motzkin JC, *Philippi CL, *Wolf RC, & *Koenigs M. (2014) Ventromedial prefrontal cortex lesions alter neural and physiological correlates of anticipation. Journal of Neuroscience, 34, 10430-10437. pdf
Rosas A & *Koenigs M. (2014) Beyond “utilitarianism”: Maximizing the clinical impact of moral judgment research. Social Neuroscience, 9, 661-667. pdf
*Philippi CL & *Koenigs M. (2014) The neuropsychology of self-reflection in psychiatric illness. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 54, 55-63. pdf
*Wolf RC, *Philippi CL, *Motzkin JC, Baskaya MK, & *Koenigs M. (2014) Ventromedial prefrontal cortex mediates visual attention during facial emotion recognition. Brain, 137, 1772-1780. pdf
*Motzkin JC, Baskin-Sommers A, Newman JP, Kiehl K, & *Koenigs M. (2014) Neural correlates of substance abuse: Reduced functional connectivity between areas underlying reward and cognitive control. Human Brain Mapping, 35, 4282-92. pdf
Taber-Thomas BC, Asp EW, *Koenigs M, Sutterer M, Anderson SW, & Tranel D. (2014) Arrested development: Early prefrontal lesions impair the maturation of moral judgment. Brain, 137, 1254-1261. pdf
*Pujara M, *Motzkin JC, Newman JP, Kiehl KA, & *Koenigs M. (2014) Neural correlates of reward and loss sensitivity in psychopathy. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 9, 794-801. pdf
*Pujara M & *Koenigs M. (2014) Mechanisms of reward circuit dysfunction in psychiatric illness: Prefrontal-striatal interactions. The Neuroscientist, 20, 82-95. pdf
Myers-Schulz B, *Pujara M, *Wolf R, & *Koenigs M. (2013) Inherent emotional quality of human speech sounds. Cognition and Emotion, 27, 1105-1113. pdf
*Koenigs M. (2013) The neuropsychology of disgust. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 8, 121-122. pdf
Barbey A.K, *Koenigs M, & Grafman J. (2013) Dorsolateral prefrontal contributions to human working memory. Cortex, 49, 1195-1205. pdf
*Koenigs, M. (2012). The role of prefrontal cortex in psychopathy. Reviews in the Neurosciences, 23, 253-265. pdf
*Koenigs, M., Kruepke, M., Zeier, J., & Newman, J. P. (2012). Utilitarian moral judgment in psychopathy. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 7, 708-714. pdf
Ly, M., *Motzkin, J. C., *Philippi, C. L., Kirk, G. R., Newman, J. P., Kiehl, K. A., & *Koenigs, M. (2012). Cortical thinning in psychopathy. American Journal of Psychiatry, 169, 743-749. pdf
Pardini, M., Krueger, F., *Koenigs, M., Raymont, V., Hodgkinson, C., Zoubak, S., Goldman, D., & Grafman, J. (2012). Fatty-acid amide hydrolase polymorphisms and post-traumatic stress disorder after penetrating brain injury. Translational Psychiatry, 2, e75. pdf
Young, L., *Koenigs, M., Kruepke, M., & Newman, J. P. (2012). Psychopathy increases perceived moral permissibility of accidents. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 121, 659-667. pdf
Myers-Schulz, B. & *Koenigs, M. (2012). Functional anatomy of ventromedial prefrontal cortex: Implications for mood and anxiety disorders. Molecular Psychiatry, 17, 132-141. pdf
*Motzkin, J., Newman, J. P., Kiehl, K., & *Koenigs M. (2011). Reduced prefrontal connectivity in psychopathy. Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 17348-17357. pdf
*Koenigs, M., Acheson, D. J., Barbey, A. K., Solomon, J., Postle, B. R., & Grafman, J. (2011). Areas of left perisylvian cortex mediate auditory-verbal short-term memory. Neuropsychologia, 49, 3612-3619. pdf
Nguyen, C. M., *Koenigs, M., Yamada, T. H., Teo, S. H., Cavanaugh, J. E., Tranel, D., & Denburg, N. L. (2011). Trustworthiness and negative affect predict economic decision making. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 23, 748-759. pdf
*Koenigs, M., Baskin-Sommers, A., Zeier, J., & Newman, J. P. (2011). Investigating the neural correlates of psychopathy: A critical review. Molecular Psychiatry, 16(8), 792-799. pdf
Barbey, A. K., *Koenigs, M., & Grafman, J. (2011). Orbitofrontal contributions to human working memory. Cerebral Cortex, 21(4), 789-795. pdf
*Koenigs, M., Kruepke, M., & Newman, J. P. (2010). Economic decision-making in psychopathy: a comparison with ventromedial prefrontal lesion patients. Neuropsychologia, 48(7), 2198-2204. pdf
*Koenigs, M., Holliday, J., Solomon, J., & Grafman, J. (2010). Left dorsomedial frontal brain damage is associated with insomnia. The Journal of Neuroscience, 30(47), 16041-16043. pdf
Knutson, K. M., Krueger, F., *Koenigs, M., Hawley, A., Escobedo, J. R., Vasudeva, V., Adolphs, R., & Grafman, J. (2010). Behavioral norms for condensed moral vignettes. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 5(4), 378-384. pdf
*Koenigs, M., Ukueberuwa, D., Campion, P., Grafman, J., & Wassermann, E. (2009). Bilateral frontal transcranial direct current stimulation: Failure to replicate classic findings in healthy subjects. Clinical Neurophysiology, 120(1), 80-84. pdf
*Koenigs, M. & Grafman, J. (2009). Posttraumatic stress disorder: The role of medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala. The Neuroscientist, 15(5), 540-548. pdf
*Koenigs, M. & Grafman, J. (2009). Prefrontal asymmetry in depression? The long-term effect of unilateral brain lesions. Neuroscience Letters, 459(2), 88-90. pdf
*Koenigs, M. & Grafman, J. (2009). The functional neuroanatomy of depression: Distinct roles for ventromedial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Behavioural Brain Research, 201(2), 239-243. pdf
*Koenigs, M., Barbey, A. K., Postle, B. R., & Grafman, J. (2009). Superior parietal cortex is critical for the manipulation of information in working memory. The Journal of Neuroscience, 29(47), 14980-14986. pdf
Gozzi, M., Raymont, V., Solomon, J., *Koenigs, M., & Grafman, J. (2009). Dissociable effects of prefrontal and anterior temporal cortical lesions on stereotypical gender attitudes. Neuropsychologia, 47(10), 2125-2132. pdf
*Koenigs, M. & Tranel, D. (2008). Prefrontal cortex damage abolishes brand-cued changes in cola preference. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 3(1), 1-6. pdf
*Koenigs, M., Huey, E. D., Raymont, V., Cheon, B., Solomon, J., Wassermann, E. M., & Grafman, J. (2008). Focal brain damage protects against post-traumatic stress disorder in combat veterans. Nature Neuroscience, 11(2), 232-237. pdf
*Koenigs, M., Huey, E. D., Calamia, M., Raymont, V., Tranel, D., & Grafman, J. (2008). Distinct regions of prefrontal cortex mediate resistance and vulnerability to depression. The Journal of Neuroscience, 28(47), 12341-12348. pdf
Young, L. & *Koenigs, M. (2007). Investigating emotion in moral cognition: A review of evidence from functional neuroimaging and neuropsychology. British Medical Bulletin, 84, 69-79. pdf
*Koenigs, M., Young, L., Adolphs, R., Tranel, D., Cushman, F., Hauser, M., & Damasio, A. (2007). Damage to the prefrontal cortex increases utilitarian moral judgements. Nature, 446(7138), 908-911. pdf
*Koenigs, M. & Tranel, D. (2007). Irrational economic decision-making after ventromedial prefrontal damage: Evidence from the ultimatum game. The Journal of Neuroscience, 27(4), 951-956. pdf
Adolphs, R., Tranel, D., *Koenigs, M., & Damasio, A. R. (2005). Preferring one taste over another without recognizing either. Nature Neuroscience, 8(7), 860-861. pdf