Weaver SS, Dargis M, Kiehl KA, and Koenigs M. (in press) Criminal histories and rates of recidivism among two subtypes of psychopathic individuals. Criminal Justice and Behavior.
Deming P, Dargis M, Haas BW, Brook M, Decety J, Harenski C, Kiehl KA, Koenigs M, & Kosson DS. (2020) Psychopathy is associated with fear-specific reductions in neural activity during affective perspective-taking. NeuroImage, 223, 117342. Pdf
Weaver SS, Kroska EB, Ross MC, Sartin-Tarm A, Sellnow KA, Schaumberg K, Kiehl KA, Koenigs M, & Cisler J. (2020) Sacrificing Reward to Avoid Threat: Characterizing PTSD in the Context of a Trauma-Related Approach-Avoidance Conflict Task. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 129, 457. Pdf
Sajous-Turner A, Anderson NE, Widdows M, Nyalakanti P, Harenski KA, Harenski CL, Koenigs M, Decety J, & Kiehl KA. (2020) Aberrant brain gray matter in murderers. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 1-12. pdf
Espinoza F, Anderson NE, Vergara VM, Harenski CL, Decety J, Rachakonda S, Damaraju E, Koenigs M, Kosson D, Harenski KA, Calhoun VD, & Kiehl KA. (2019) Resting-state fMRI dynamic functional network connectivity and associations with psychopathy traits. NeuroImage: Clinical, 24, 101970. pdf
Anderson NE, Harenski KA, Harenski CL, Koenigs M, Decety J, Calhoun VD, & Kiehl KA. (2019) Machine learning of brain gray matter differentiates sex in a large forensic sample. Human Brain Mapping, 40, 1496-1506. pdf
Dargis M, Caldwell M, Sitney M, Edwards B, Caldwell B, Harenski CL, Anderson NE, Van Rybroek G, Koenigs M, & Kiehl KA. (2019) Development of an expert-rate assessment of trauma history in a high-risk youth forensic sample. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 11, 73-721. pdf
Dargis M & Koenigs M. (2018) Personality traits differentiate subgroups of criminal offenders with distinct cognitive, affective, and behavioral profiles. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 45, 984-1007. pdf
Simmonite M, Harenski C, Kiehl KA, Koenigs M, & Kosson DS. (2018) Testing the Left Hemisphere Activation hypothesis in psychopathic offenders using the Stroop task. Personality and Individual Differences, 135, 182-187. pdf
Dargis M, Wolf RC, & Koenigs, M. (2018) Psychopathic traits are associated with reduced fixations to the eye region of fearful faces. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 127, 43-50. Pdf
Kiehl KA, Anderson NE, Aharoni E, Maurer JM, Harenski KA, Rao V, Claus ED, Harenski C, Koenigs M, Decety J, Kosson D, Wager T, Calhoun VD, & Steele VR. (2018) Age of gray matters: Neuroprediction of recidivism. Neuroimage: Clinical, 19, 813-823. pdf
Miskovich TA, Anderson NE, Harenski CL, Harenski KA, Baskin-Sommers AR, Larson CL, Newman JP, Hanson JL, Stout DM, Koenigs M, Shollenbarger SG, Lisdahl KM, Decety J, Kosson DS, Kiehl KA. (2018) Abnormal cortical gyrification in criminal psychopathy. NeuroImage: Clinical, 19, 876-882. pdf
Crooks D, Anderson NE, Widdows M, Petseva N, Koenigs M, Pluto C, & Kiehl KA. (2018) The relationship between cavum septum pellucidum and psychopathic traits in a large forensic sample. Neuropsychologia, 112, 95-104. pdf
Dargis M & Koenigs M. (2018) Two subtypes of psychopathic criminals differ in negative affect and history of childhood abuse. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 10, 444-451. pdf
Deming P, Philippi CL, Wolf RC, Dargis M, Kiehl KA, & Koenigs, M. (2018) Psychopathic traits linked to alterations in neural activity during personality judgments of self and others. Neuroimage: Clinical, 18, 575-581. pdf
Espinoza F, Vergara V, Reyes D, Anderson N, Harenski CL, Decety J, Rachakonda S, Damaraju E, Rashid B, Miller R, Koenigs M, Kosson D, Harenski KA, Kiehl KA, & Calhoun VD. (2018). Aberrant functional network connectivity in psychopathy from a large (N=985) forensic sample. Human Brain Mapping, 39, 2624-2634. pdf
Harenski CL, Calhoun VD, Bustillo JR, Haas BW, Decety J, Harenski KA, Caldwell MF, Van Rybroek GJ, Koenigs M, Thornton DM, & Kiehl KA. (2018). Functional connectivity during affective mentalizing in criminal offenders with psychotic disorders: Associations with clinical symptoms. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 271, 91-99. pdf
Korponay C, Pujara, MS, Deming P, Philippi CL, Decety J, Kosson, DS, Kiehl, KA, & Koenigs M. (2017) Impulsive-antisocial psychopathic traits linked to increased volume and functional connectivity within prefrontal cortex.
Korponay C, Kosson DS, Decety J, Kiehl KA, & Koenigs M. (2017) Brain volume correlates with duration of abstinence from substance abuse in a region-specific and substance-specific manner. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2, 626-635. Pdf
Anderson NE, Steele VR, Maurer JM, Rao V, Koenigs MR, Decety J, Kosson DS, Calhoun VD, & Kiehl KA. (2017) Differentiating emotional processing and attention in psychopathy with functional neuroimaging. Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 17, 491-515. pdf
Harenski CL, Brook M, Kosson DS, Bustillo, JR, Harenski KA, Caldwell MF, Van Rybroek GJ, Koenigs M, Decety J, Thornton DM, Calhoun VD, & Kiehl KA. (2017) Socio-neuro risk factors for suicidal behavior in criminal offenders with psychotic disorders. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 12, 70-80. pdf
Dargis M. & Koenigs M. (2017) Witnessing domestic violence during childhood is associated with psychopathic traits in adult male criminal offenders. Law and Human Behavior, 41, 173-179. Pdf
Korponay C, Pujara MS, Deming P, Philippi C, Decety J, Kosson DS, Kiehl KA, & Koenigs M. (2017) Impulsive-antisocial dimension of psychopathy linked to enlargement and abnormal functional connectivity of the striatum. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2:149-157. pdf
Dargis M, Wolf RC, & Koenigs M. (2017) Reversal learning deficits in criminal offenders: Effects of psychopathy and childhood maltreatment history. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 39, 189-197. pdf
Fede SJ, Harenski CL, Schaich Borg J, Sinnott-Armstrong W, Rao V, Caldwell BM, Nyalakanti PK, Koenigs M, Decety J, Calhoun VD, & Kiehl KA. (2016) Abnormal fronto-limbic engagement in incarcerated stimulant users during moral processing. Psychopharmacology, 233, 3077-3087. Pdf
Fede SJ, Schaich Borg J, Nyalakanti PK, Cope LM, Harenski CL, Sinnott-Armstrong W, Koenigs M, Calhoun VD, & Kiehl KA. (2016) Distinct neuronal activation patterns of positive and negative moral processing in psychopathy. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience. Pdf
Dargis M, Newman JP, & Koenigs M. (2016) Clarifying the link between childhood abuse history and psychopathic traits in adult criminal offenders. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 7, 221-228. pdf
Caldwell BM, Harenski C, Harenski K, Fede S, Koenigs M, Kiehl K, & Steele V. (2015) Abnormal frontostriatal activity in recently abstinent cocaine users during implicit moral processing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9. pdf
Wolf RC, Pujara MS, Motzkin JC, Newman JP, Kiehl K, Decety J, Kosson DS, & Koenigs M. (2015) Interpersonal traits of psychopathy linked to reduced integrity of the uncinate fasciculus. Human Brain Mapping, 36, 4202-4209. Pdf
Philippi CL, Pujara M, Motzkin JC, Newman J, Kiehl KA, & Koenigs M. (2015) Altered resting-state functional connectivity in cortical networks in psychopathy. Journal of Neuroscience, 35, 6068-6078. Pdf
Wolf RC & Koenigs M. (2015) Brain imaging research on violence and aggression: Pitfalls and possibilities for criminal justice. Science in the Courtroom, 1. Pdf
Motzkin JC, Baskin-Sommers A, Newman JP, Kiehl K, & Koenigs M. (2014) Neural correlates of substance abuse: Reduced functional connectivity between areas underlying reward and cognitive control. Human Brain Mapping, 35, 4282-92. Pdf
Rosas A & Koenigs M. (2014) Beyond “utilitarianism”: Maximizing the clinical impact of moral judgment research. Social Neuroscience, 9, 661-667. pdf
Pujara M, Motzkin JC, Newman JP, Kiehl KA, & Koenigs M. (2014) Neural correlates of reward and loss sensitivity in psychopathy. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 9, 794-801. Pdf
Koenigs, M., Kruepke, M., Zeier, J., & Newman, J. P. (2012). Utilitarian moral judgment in psychopathy. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 7, 708-714. Pdf
Ly, M., Motzkin, J. C., Philippi, C. L., Kirk, G. R., Newman, J. P., Kiehl, K. A., & Koenigs, M. (2012). Cortical thinning in psychopathy. American Journal of Psychiatry, 169, 743-749. Pdf
Young, L., Koenigs, M., Kruepke, M., & Newman, J. P. (2012). Psychopathy increases perceived moral permissibility of accidents. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 121, 659-667. pdf
Motzkin, J., Newman, J. P., Kiehl, K., & Koenigs M. (2011). Reduced prefrontal connectivity in psychopathy. Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 17348-17357. Pdf
Koenigs, M., Kruepke, M., & Newman, J. P. (2010). Economic decision-making in psychopathy: a comparison with ventromedial prefrontal lesion patients. Neuropsychologia, 48(7), 2198-2204. Pdf